var MWJ_bar = 0, MWJ_stacked = 1, MWJ_relative = 2, MWJ_scatter = 3, MWJ_graphError = false;
var MWJ_errorMsg = '\n\nno further error messages will be displayed\nthis graph will not be shown';
function MWJ_graph(oW,oH,oType,oLegend,oRotate,oColor) {
if( typeof( oType ) != 'number' || oType < 0 || oType > 3 ) {
this.error = 'an invalid graph type was requested'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'MWJ_graph object creation failed\nan invalid graph type was requested\nplease use one of the predefined variables'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; }
if( oType == 3 && oRotate ) {
this.error = 'scatter graphs cannot be rotated'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'MWJ_graph object creation failed\nscatter graphs cannot be rotated\nplease set the rotate parameter to false'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; }
if( typeof( oW ) != 'number' || typeof( oH ) != 'number' || oW < 10 || oH < 10 || Math.floor(oW) != oW || Math.floor(oH) != oH ) {
this.error = 'requested graph size was too small'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'MWJ_graph object creation failed\ngraph width and height must be integers >= 10'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; }
this.colours = []; this.labels = []; = [];
this.width = oW; this.height = oH; this.type = oType; this.legend = oLegend; this.rotate = oRotate; this.bgColor = oColor;
this.setTitles = function (oGT,oXT,oYT) { this.graphTitle = oGT; this.XTitle = oXT; this.YTitle = oYT; }
this.addDataSet = function (oCol,oLab,oData) {
if( this.error ) { return; }
if( typeof( oCol ) != 'string' || oCol.length != 7 || oCol.charAt(0) != '#' ) {
this.error = 'an invalid hex colour was used'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'addDataSet instruction failed\nexpected colour in format #rrggbb'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; return; }
this.colours[this.colours.length] = oCol;
this.labels[this.labels.length] = oLab;
if( ( this.type != 3 &&[0] &&[0].length != oData.length ) || ( this.type != 3 && this.XAxis && this.XAxis.length != oData.length ) ) {
this.error = 'the number of data columns did not match previously used value'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'addDataSet instruction failed\nexpected previously used number of data columns'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; return; }
if( typeof( oData ) == 'string' || !oData.length ) {
this.error = 'an invalid dataset was provided'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'addDataSet instruction failed\nexpected an array of data'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; return; }
for( var x = 0; x < oData.length; x++ ) {
if( ( this.type != 3 && typeof( oData[x] ) != 'number' ) || ( this.type == 3 && ( typeof( oData[x] ) == 'string' || oData[x].length != 2 || typeof( oData[x][0] ) != 'number' || typeof( oData[x][1] ) != 'number' ) ) ) {
this.error = 'an invalid dataset was provided'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'addDataSet instruction failed because data format was invalid\nexpected an array of '+((this.type==3)?'arrays, each of which must contain 2 numbers':'numbers')+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; return; }
if( ( this.type == 1 || this.type == 2 ) && oData[x] < 0 ) {
this.error = 'data values less that 0 cannot be accepted for this type of graph'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'addDataSet instruction failed because data was invalid\nexpected data values greter than or equal to 0'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; return; }
}[] = oData;
this.setXAxis = function () {
if( this.error ) { return; }
if( ( this.type != 3 && !arguments.length ) || ( this.type == 3 && ( arguments[0] <= 0 || arguments.length != 1 || typeof(arguments[0]) != 'number' ) ) ) {
this.error = 'setXAxis was incorrectly used'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'setXAxis instruction failed\nexpected '+((this.type==3)?'a positive number':'list of column titles')+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; return; }
if( this.type != 3 &&[0] &&[0].length != arguments.length ) {
this.error = 'the number of data columns did not match previously used value'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'setXAxis instruction failed\nexpected previously used number of data columns'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; return; }
if( this.type == 3 ) { this.XAxis = arguments[0]; } else {
this.XAxis = []; for( var x = 0; x < arguments.length; x++ ) { this.XAxis[x] = arguments[x]; } }
this.setYAxis = function (oStep) {
if( this.error ) { return; }
if( typeof(oStep) != 'number' || this.type == 2 || oStep <= 0 ) {
this.error = 'setYAxis was incorrectly used'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'setYAxis instruction failed\n'+((this.type==2)?'this method does not apply to relative percentage bar charts':'a positive number')+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; return; }
this.YAxis = oStep;
this.buildGraph = function () {
if( !this.error && ! ) {
this.error = 'no data was provided'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'Graph drawing failed\nno data sets were provided so there is nothing to plot'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; }
if( !this.error && < 2 && ( this.type == 1 || this.type == 2 ) ) {
this.error = 'a minimum of two data sets were expected'; if( !MWJ_graphError ) { alert( 'Graph drawing failed\na minimum of two data sets are required for the chosen graph type'+MWJ_errorMsg ); } MWJ_graphError = true; }
if( this.error ) { document.write('<div><font color="#ff0000">Graph drawing failed because '+this.error+'.<\/font><\/div>'); return; }
var leftTitle = this.rotate ? this.XTitle : this.YTitle;
var botTitle = this.rotate ? this.YTitle : this.XTitle;
document.write('<table class="mwjgraph" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="7" border="0">');
var temp = 1 + ( leftTitle ? 1 : 0 ) + ( this.legend ? 1 : 0 );
if( this.graphTitle ) { document.write('<tr><th'+((temp>1)?(' colspan="'+temp+'"'):'')+(document.layers?'><font size="+1"':' style="font-size:larger;"')+'>'+this.graphTitle+(document.layers?'<\/font>':'')+'<\/th><\/tr>\n'); }
document.write('<tr>'); var temp = 1 + ( botTitle ? 1 : 0 );
if( leftTitle && typeof(leftTitle) == 'string' ) {
document.write('<th'+((temp>1)?(' rowspan="'+temp+'"'):'')+'>');
for( var x = 0, y = ''; leftTitle.charAt(x); x++ ) { y += leftTitle.charAt(x) + ( leftTitle.charAt(x+1) ? '<br>' : '' ); }
if( !this.type ) { for( var x = 0, maxH = 0, minH = 0; x <; x++ ) { for( var y = 0; y <[x].length; y++ ) {
if([x][y] > maxH ) { maxH =[x][y]; } if([x][y] < minH ) { minH =[x][y]; } } }
} else if( this.type == 1 ) { for( var y = 0, maxH = 0, minH = 0, totCols = []; y <[0].length; y++ ) { totCols[y] = 0; for( var x = 0; x <; x++ ) {
totCols[y] +=[x][y]; } if( totCols[y] > maxH ) { maxH = totCols[y]; } }
} else if( this.type == 2 ) { for( var y = 0, maxH = 100, minH = 0, totCols = []; y <[0].length; y++ ) { totCols[y] = 0; for( var x = 0; x <; x++ ) {
totCols[y] +=[x][y]; } } this.YAxis = 10;
} else { for( var x = 0, maxH = 0, minH = 0, maxW = 0, minW = 0; x <; x++ ) { for( var y = 0; y <[x].length; y++ ) {
if([x][y][1] > maxH ) { maxH =[x][y][1]; } if([x][y][1] < minH ) { minH =[x][y][1]; }
if([x][y][0] > maxW ) { maxW =[x][y][0]; } if([x][y][0] < minW ) { minW =[x][y][0]; }
} } if( minW == maxW ) { maxW = 1; }
if( this.XAxis && maxW % this.XAxis ) { maxW = ( Math.floor( maxW / this.XAxis ) + 1 ) * this.XAxis; }
if( this.XAxis && minW % this.XAxis ) { minW = ( Math.ceil( minW / this.XAxis ) - 1 ) * this.XAxis; }
var grWange = maxW - minW;
if( minH == maxH ) { maxH = 1; }
if( this.YAxis && maxH % this.YAxis ) { maxH = ( Math.floor( maxH / this.YAxis ) + 1 ) * this.YAxis; }
if( this.YAxis && minH % this.YAxis ) { minH = ( Math.ceil( minH / this.YAxis ) - 1 ) * this.YAxis; }
var grRange = (maxH-minH), grSz = (this.rotate?this.width:this.height);
var sideTicks = [], botTicks = [];
if( !this.YAxis ) { if( minH ) { sideTicks[0] = minH; } if( maxH ) { sideTicks[sideTicks.length] = maxH; } } else {
for( var x = minH; x <= maxH; x += this.YAxis ) { if( x ) { sideTicks[sideTicks.length] = x; } } }
if( this.type != 3 ) { for( var x = 0; x <=[0].length; x++ ) { botTicks[x] = Math.round( x * ( ( this.rotate ? this.height : this.width ) /[0].length ) ); } } else {
if( !this.XAxis ) { if( minW ) { botTicks[0] = minW; } botTicks[botTicks.length] = 0; if( maxW ) { botTicks[botTicks.length] = maxW; } } else {
for( var x = minW; x <= maxW; x += this.XAxis ) { botTicks[botTicks.length] = x; } } }
document.write('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td rowspan="2" valign="top" nowrap>'+(document.layers?('<ilayer height="'+this.height+'">'):('<div style="position:relative;left:0px;top:0px;height:'+this.height+'px;">')));
if( this.rotate ) { for( var x = 0; this.XAxis && x < this.XAxis.length; x++ ) { if( this.XAxis[x] ) { document.write(MWJ_giveWords(0,( this.height * ( ( ( 2 * x ) + 1 ) / ( 2 * this.XAxis.length ) ) ) - 7,this.XAxis[x])); } } } else {
for( var x = 0; x < sideTicks.length; x++ ) { var y = (this.height*((maxH-sideTicks[x])/grRange))-7;
if( sideTicks[x] == minH ) { y -= 5; } if( sideTicks[x] == maxH ) { y += 4; } document.write(MWJ_giveWords(0,y,sideTicks[x]+((this.type==2)?'%':''))); }
var y = (this.height*(maxH/grRange))-7;
if( !minH ) { y -= 5; } if( !maxH ) { y += 4; } document.write(MWJ_giveWords(0,y,0+((this.type==2)?'%':'')));
var isIE5Mac = document.getElementById && window.ActiveXObject && !navigator.__ice_version && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') + 1 && window.ScriptEngine && ScriptEngine() == 'JScript';
document.write((document.layers?'<\/ilayer>':'<\/div>')+'<\/td><td height="'+this.height+'" width="'+this.width+'"'+(isIE5Mac?(' style="position:relative;left:20px;top:0px;" bgcolor="'+(this.bgColor?this.bgColor:'#bfbfbf')+'"><div style="position:absolute;">'):(document.layers?('><ilayer left="0" top="0" width="'+this.width+'" height="'+this.height+'" bgcolor="'+(this.bgColor?this.bgColor:'#bfbfbf')+'">'):('><div style="position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;width:'+this.width+'px;height:'+this.height+'px;background-color:'+(this.bgColor?this.bgColor:'#bfbfbf')+';">'))));
if( document.layers && !navigator.mimeTypes['*'] ) { document.write('<layer left="0" top="0"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td height="'+this.height+'" width="'+this.width+'" bgcolor="'+(this.bgColor?this.bgColor:'#bfbfbf')+'"> </td></tr></table></layer>'); }
if( this.type == 3 ) { for( var x = 0; x < botTicks.length; x++ ) { document.write(MWJ_giveBar(10,(this.width*((botTicks[x]-minW)/grWange))-1,(this.height*(maxH/grRange))-5,false)); }
} else { for( var x = 0; x < botTicks.length; x++ ) { document.write(MWJ_giveBar(grSz,(this.rotate?0:(botTicks[x]-1)),(this.rotate?(botTicks[x]-1):0),this.rotate)); } }
for( var x = 0; x < sideTicks.length; x++ ) { var y = (this.rotate?(this.width*((sideTicks[x]-minH)/grRange)):(this.height*((maxH-sideTicks[x])/grRange)))-1; document.write(MWJ_giveBar(10,(this.rotate?y:((this.type==3)?(((-1*minW*this.width)/grWange)-5):-5)),(this.rotate?(this.height-5):y),!this.rotate)); }
var y = (this.rotate?(this.width*((0-minH)/grRange)):(this.height*(maxH/grRange)))-1; document.write(MWJ_giveBar((this.rotate?(this.height+5):(this.width+((this.type==3)?0:5))),(this.rotate?y:((this.type==3)?0:-5)),(this.rotate?0:y),!this.rotate));
if( this.type == 3 ) { document.write(MWJ_giveBar(10,((-1*minW*this.width)/grWange)-5,(this.height*(maxH/grRange))-1,true));
document.write(MWJ_giveBar(this.height,((-1*minW*this.width)/grWange)-1,0,false)); }
if( !this.type ) {
for( var x = 0; x <[0].length; x++ ) { for( var y = 0; y <; y++ ) { if([y][x] ) {
var avlWd = ( botTicks[x+1] - 1 ) - ( botTicks[x] + 1 ); var numExtraPixels = avlWd %;
var scaleSize = Math.round((Math.abs([y][x])/grRange)*grSz);
if([y][x] > 0 ) { var offSet = this.rotate ? Math.round(((0-minH)/grRange)*grSz) : Math.round(((maxH/grRange)*grSz)-scaleSize);
} else { var offSet = this.rotate ? (Math.round(((0-minH)/grRange)*grSz)-scaleSize) : Math.round((maxH/grRange)*grSz); }
var offWidth = Math.floor( avlWd / ) + ((y<numExtraPixels)?1:0);
var offSide = botTicks[x] + 1 + ( y * Math.floor( avlWd / ) ) + ((y<numExtraPixels)?y:numExtraPixels);
document.write(MWJ_giveBlock(this.rotate?offSet:offSide,this.rotate?offSide:offSet,this.rotate?scaleSize:offWidth,this.rotate?offWidth:scaleSize,this.colours[y],[y][x]+(this.labels[y]?(' - '+this.labels[y]):'')+((this.XAxis&&this.XAxis[x])?(' - '+this.XAxis[x]):'')));
} } }
} else if( this.type == 1 || this.type == 2 ) {
for( var x = 0; x <[0].length; x++ ) { for( var y = (this.rotate?0:(, totData = 0; ( this.rotate && y < ) || ( !this.rotate && y >= 0 ); y += (this.rotate?1:-1) ) { if([y][x] ) {
var offWidth = ( botTicks[x+1] - 1 ) - ( botTicks[x] + 1 ); var offSide = botTicks[x] + 1; var totDiv = (this.type==1)?maxH:totCols[x];
if( this.rotate ) { var offSet = Math.round((totData/totDiv)*this.width);
var scaleSize = Math.round((([y][x])/totDiv)*this.width) - offSet;
} else { var offSet = Math.round(((totDiv-([y][x]))/totDiv)*this.height);
var scaleSize = Math.round(((totDiv-totData)/totDiv)*this.height) - offSet; }
totData +=[y][x];
document.write(MWJ_giveBlock(this.rotate?offSet:offSide,this.rotate?offSide:offSet,this.rotate?scaleSize:offWidth,this.rotate?offWidth:scaleSize,this.colours[y],[y][x]+' of '+totCols[x]+((this.type==2)?(' = '+(Math.round(([y][x]/totCols[x])*10000)/100)+'%'):'')+(this.labels[y]?(' - '+this.labels[y]):'')+((this.XAxis&&this.XAxis[x])?(' - '+this.XAxis[x]):'')));
} } }
} else { for( var y = 0; y <; y++ ) { for( var x = 0; x <[y].length; x++ ) {
var xPos = Math.round( ( ([y][x][0] - minW ) * this.width ) / grWange );
var yPos = Math.round( ( ( maxH -[y][x][1] ) * this.height ) / grRange );
document.write(MWJ_giveBlock(xPos-2,yPos-2,4,4,this.colours[y],'['[y][x][0]+','[y][x][1]+']'+(this.labels[y]?(' - '+this.labels[y]):'')));
} } }
document.write((document.layers?'<\/ilayer>':'<\/div>')+'<\/td><\/tr><tr><td valign="top"'+(isIE5Mac?' height="20"':'')+'>'+(document.layers?('<ilayer width="'+this.width+'" height="20">'):('<div style="position:relative;left:0px;top:0px;height:20px;width:'+this.width+'px;">')));
if( this.rotate ) {
for( var x = 0; x < sideTicks.length; x++ ) { var y = (this.width*((sideTicks[x]-minH)/grRange))-((''+sideTicks[x]+((this.type==2)?' ':'')).length*2);
if( sideTicks[x] == minH ) { y += ((''+sideTicks[x]+'').length*2); } if( sideTicks[x] == maxH ) { y -= ((''+sideTicks[x]+((this.type==2)?'%':'')).length*4); } document.write(MWJ_giveWords(y,5,sideTicks[x]+((this.type==2)?'%':''),true)); }
var y = (this.width*(0-minH/grRange))-2;
if( !minH ) { y += 2; } if( !maxH ) { y -= 4; } document.write(MWJ_giveWords(y,5,0+((this.type==2)?'%':''),true));
} else if( this.type == 3 ) {
for( var x = 0; x < botTicks.length; x++ ) { var y = (this.width*((botTicks[x]-minW)/grWange))-((''+botTicks[x]+'').length*2);
if( botTicks[x] == minW ) { y += ((''+botTicks[x]+'').length*2); } if( botTicks[x] == maxW ) { y -= ((''+botTicks[x]+'').length*4); } document.write(MWJ_giveWords(y,5,botTicks[x],true)); }
} else { for( var x = 0; this.XAxis && x < this.XAxis.length; x++ ) { if( this.XAxis[x] ) { document.write(MWJ_giveWords( ( this.width * ( ( ( 2 * x ) + 1 ) / ( 2 * this.XAxis.length ) ) ) - ((''+this.XAxis[x]+'').length*3),5,this.XAxis[x],true)); } } }
if( this.legend ) {
document.write('<td'+((temp>1)?(' rowspan="'+temp+'"'):'')+'><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1"><tr><td>'+
'<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" border="0"><tr><th colspan="2">Legend<\/th><\/tr>');
for( var x = 0, y = ''; x <; x++ ) { y += '<tr><td bgcolor="'+this.colours[x]+'" width="20"> <\/td><td>'+(this.labels[x]?this.labels[x]:'Untitled')+'<\/td><\/tr>'; }
if( botTitle ) { document.write('<tr><th>'+botTitle+'<\/th><\/tr>'); }
function MWJ_giveBar(oL,oX,oY,oR) {
oL = Math.round(oL); oX = Math.round(oX); oY = Math.round(oY);
if( document.layers ) { return '<layer left="'+oX+'" top="'+oY+'" width="'+(oR?oL:1)+'" height="'+(oR?1:oL)+'" clip="0,0,'+(oR?oL:1)+','+(oR?1:oL)+'" bgcolor="#000000"> <\/layer><layer left="'+(oX+(oR?0:1))+'" top="'+(oY+(oR?1:0))+'" width="'+(oR?oL:1)+'" height="'+(oR?1:oL)+'" clip="0,0,'+(oR?oL:1)+','+(oR?1:oL)+'" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <\/layer>';
} else { return '<div style="position:absolute;left:'+oX+'px;top:'+oY+'px;width:'+(oR?oL:1)+'px;height:'+(oR?1:oL)+'px;overflow:hidden;background-color:#000000;"><\/div><div style="position:absolute;left:'+(oX+(oR?0:1))+'px;top:'+(oY+(oR?1:0))+'px;width:'+(oR?oL:1)+'px;height:'+(oR?1:oL)+'px;overflow:hidden;background-color:#ffffff;"><\/div>'; }
function MWJ_giveWords(oX,oY,oW,oE) {
oX = Math.round(oX); oY = Math.round(oY);
if( document.layers ) { return (oE?'':('<ilayer visibility="hide"><font size="-1">'+oW+' <\/font><\/ilayer><br>'))+'<layer left="'+oX+'" top="'+oY+'"><font size="-1">'+oW+'<\/font><\/layer>';
} else { return (oE?'':('<div style="visibility:hidden;font-size:smaller;">'+oW+' <\/div>'))+'<div style="position:absolute;left:'+oX+'px;top:'+oY+'px;font-size:smaller;">'+oW+'<\/div>'; }
function MWJ_giveBlock(oX,oY,oW,oH,oC,oT) {
if( document.layers ) { return '<layer left="'+oX+'" top="'+oY+'" width="'+oW+'" height="'+oH+'" clip="0,0,'+oW+','+oH+'" bgcolor="'+oC+'" onmouseover="window.status=unescape(\''+escape(oT)+'\');" onmouseout="window.status=window.defaultStatus;"> <\/layer>';
} else { return '<div style="position:absolute;left:'+oX+'px;top:'+oY+'px;width:'+oW+'px;height:'+oH+'px;overflow:hidden;background-color:'+oC+';cursor:crosshair;" onclick="alert(this.title);" title="'+oT+'"><\/div>'; }