Collapsible list themes


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Collapsible list themes

Of course, you can use any images you want, but I have prepared some sets of images.

To download the script(s), see the script license, and check details like browser compatibility, use the links on the navigation panel at the top of this page.

Basic lines

View working example, view working auto-collapse example or download images

[+/-] List item 1
|-[+/-] List item 1.1
| `-[+/-] List item 1.1.1
`------ List item 1.2

[+/-] used in place of [+/-] and [+/-] if lists cannot be expanded / contracted.

Spilled ink

View working example, view working auto-collapse example or download images

[+/-] List item 1
|-[+/-] List item 1.1
| `-[+/-] List item 1.1.1
`------ List item 1.2

[+/-] used in place of [+/-] and [+/-] if lists cannot be expanded / contracted.


View working example, view working auto-collapse example or download images

[+/-] List item 1
|-[+/-] List item 1.1
| `-[+/-] List item 1.1.1
`------ List item 1.2

[+/-] used in place of [+/-] and [+/-] if lists cannot be expanded / contracted.


View working example, view working auto-collapse example or download images

[+/-] List item 1
|-[+/-] List item 1.1
| `-[+/-] List item 1.1.1
`------ List item 1.2

A blank image is used in place of [+/-] and [+/-] if lists cannot be expanded / contracted.

Files and folders

View working example, view working auto-collapse example or download images

[+/-] List item 1
|-[+/-] List item 1.1
| `-[+/-] List item 1.1.1
`------ List item 1.2

Which can easily be modified to produce just folders - view working example, view working auto-collapse example or download images

[+/-] List item 1
|-[+/-] List item 1.1
| `-[+/-] List item 1.1.1
`------ List item 1.2

[+/-] used in place of [+/-] and [+/-] if lists cannot be expanded / contracted.

Coloured minimalist

View working example, view working auto-collapse example or download images

Note that Netscape 4 (and ONLY Netscape 4) makes mistakes when attempting to assign classes to lines, so this feature is disabled in that browser.

[+/-] List item 1
|-[+/-] List item 1.1
| `-[+/-] List item 1.1.1
`------ List item 1.2

A blank image is used in place of [+/-] and [+/-] if lists cannot be expanded / contracted.

This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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