Draws scatter charts and line charts using HTML Canvas - configurable and stylable using a detailed set of options.
Current version
Appears to be 1.2.1
Browser support
Trident / EdgeHTML / Tasman (Internet Explorer 4+, Edge 44-) | Script works in Internet Explorer 9+ and Edge, without localised date format support in Internet Explorer 9-10 |
Opera 7-12 | Script works in Opera 10.5+ without dashed line support or localised date format support |
Gecko engine browsers (Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape 6+, etc) | Script works as expected |
KHTML / WebKit / Chromium / Blink / QT WebEngine / QTWebKit / WebKitGTK (Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera 15+, Edge 79+, Safari, Konqueror, OmniWeb 4.5+, iCab 4+, NetFront Chromium / WebKit) | Script works as expected (WebKit requires accelerated graphics support on Linux, KHTML's canvas support is not good enough, but this is discontinued) |
iCab 3- | JavaScript support is not good enough |
Rhino + W3C DOM (ICEbrowser) | JavaScript support is not good enough |
Rhino + layers / W3C DOM (Escape / Evo, iBrow) | JavaScript support is not good enough |
NetFront 3+ NetFront engine | JavaScript support is not good enough |
Opera 5 and 6 Elektra engine | JavaScript support is not good enough |
Netscape 4 | JavaScript support is not good enough |
OmniWeb 4.2- | JavaScript support is not good enough |
Rhino + pDOM (Clue browser) | JavaScript support is not good enough |
WebTV | JavaScript support is not good enough |
Tkhtml Hv3+ | JavaScript support is not good enough |
Netgem NetBox | JavaScript support is not good enough |
OpenTV | JavaScript support is not good enough |
iPanel MicroBrowser | JavaScript support is not good enough |
Accessibility notes
Accessibility warning; Script will not function if JavaScript is disabled. The script does not allow searching for text or selection of text. Ensure that the details are available in some other format, such as in a data table.
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