Interprets variables passed in the url and converts them into JavaScript variables.
Current version
Appears to be 4.0.0
Browser support
Trident / EdgeHTML / Tasman (Internet Explorer 4+, Edge 44-) | Script works as expected |
Opera 7-12 | Script works as expected |
Gecko engine browsers (Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape 6+, etc) | Script works as expected |
KHTML / WebKit / Chromium / Blink / QT WebEngine / QTWebKit / WebKitGTK (Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera 15+, Edge 79+, Safari, Konqueror, OmniWeb 4.5+, iCab 4+, NetFront Chromium / WebKit) | Script works as expected |
iCab 3- | Script works as expected |
Rhino + W3C DOM (ICEbrowser) | Script works as expected |
Rhino + layers / W3C DOM (Escape / Evo, iBrow) | Script works as expected |
NetFront 3+ NetFront engine | Script works as expected |
Opera 5 and 6 Elektra engine | Bugs in the Opera 6- RegExp object cause the script to fail without errors |
Netscape 4 | Script works as expected |
OmniWeb 4.2- | Script works as expected |
Rhino + pDOM (Clue browser) | Script fails with errors |
WebTV | Script works as expected |
Tkhtml Hv3+ | Script fails to read variables |
Netgem NetBox | Not tested but it should work |
OpenTV | Not tested but it should work |
iPanel MicroBrowser | Not tested but it should work |
Accessibility notes
No inherent accessibility problems. Make sure the script that uses the variables is not required to access page content.
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