Multi level menu generation controls


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This script

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Creates popup menus from user defined arrays - highly configurable with unlimited levels.

Current version

Appears to be 1.3.1

Browser support

Trident / EdgeHTML / Tasman (Internet Explorer 4+, Edge 44-)Script works as expected
Opera 7-12Script works as expected
Gecko engine browsers (Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape 6+, etc)Script works as expected
KHTML / WebKit / Chromium / Blink / QT WebEngine / QTWebKit / WebKitGTK (Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera 15+, Edge 79+, Safari, Konqueror, OmniWeb 4.5+, iCab 4+, NetFront Chromium / WebKit)In Konqueror 2 (and below), menus sometimes close while the mouse is still over them (clicking the links makes the menus more reliable) - works as expected in all others
iCab 3-Script works as expected in iCab 3, menu items are always visible and unpositioned in iCab 2-
Rhino + W3C DOM (ICEbrowser)In old versions (5.2-), menu cells with child menus are too big
Rhino + layers / W3C DOM (Escape / Evo, iBrow)Script works as expected in Escape 5 (without scrolling ability) - in Escape 4 menus sometimes close while the mouse is still over them (clicking the links makes the menus more reliable)
NetFront 3+ NetFront engineScript works as expected in NetFront 3.4+, in 3.3- page fails to render
Opera 5 and 6 Elektra engineAll cells are slightly too big in Opera 5
Netscape 4Border is too big on Mac and Unix
OmniWeb 4.2-Menu items are positioned randomly
Rhino + pDOM (Clue browser)Script works as expected
WebTVScript works as expected
Tkhtml Hv3+Menu items are created, but most are randomly positioned and do not work
Netgem NetBoxNot tested but it should work
OpenTVNot tested but it should work
iPanel MicroBrowserNot tested but it should work

Accessibility notes

Accessibility warning; Menu content will not be created if JavaScript is disabled. Ensure it is not required to access page content.


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This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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