Allows 'mini windows' to be created, dragged, resized (in DOM browsers), rewritten (in DOM browsers), minimised and closed - this script is deprecated and is no longer supported, better scripts are available elsewhere on the Web.
Current version
Appears to be 5.0.1
Browser support
Trident / EdgeHTML / Tasman (Internet Explorer 4+, Edge 44-) | Script works as expected - windows can be resized and rewritten in IE 5+, and can have scrollbars in IE 5.5+ on Windows |
Opera 7-12 | Script works as expected - windows can be resized and rewritten and have scrollbars |
Gecko engine browsers (Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape 6+, etc) | Script works as expected - windows can be resized and rewritten and have scrollbars |
KHTML / WebKit / Chromium / Blink / QT WebEngine / QTWebKit / WebKitGTK (Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera 15+, Edge 79+, Safari, Konqueror, OmniWeb 4.5+, iCab 4+, NetFront Chromium / WebKit) | Script works as expected - windows can be resized and rewritten and in Safari and OmniWeb 4.5+, they can also have scrollbars |
iCab 3- | Script works as expected in iCab 3+ - windows can be resized and rewritten (elements cannot be positioned or dragged in iCab 2) |
Rhino + W3C DOM (ICEbrowser) | Script works as expected - windows can have scrollbars |
Rhino + layers / W3C DOM (Escape / Evo, iBrow) | Fails completely in Escape 5 (due to bugs in its DOM implementation) - script works as expected in 4.8.2 - in earlier versions, elements are created with bad styling but may move randomly when dragged |
NetFront 3+ NetFront engine | Script almost works as expected - windows can be resized (drag handle is incorrectly positioned), but cannot have scrollbars - rewriting works from 3.4+ |
Opera 5 and 6 Elektra engine | Script works as expected |
Netscape 4 | Script works as expected |
OmniWeb 4.2- | Elements are created but cannot be dragged |
Rhino + pDOM (Clue browser) | Elements are created but cannot be dragged and parts of them may disappear when the mouse moves over them |
WebTV | Elements are created but cannot be dragged |
Tkhtml Hv3+ | Elements are created and some can be dragged, but most just make a mess |
Netgem NetBox | Elements are created but cannot be dragged |
OpenTV | Elements are created but cannot be dragged |
iPanel MicroBrowser | Elements are created but cannot be dragged |
Accessibility notes
Accessibility warning; Window content will not be created if JavaScript is disabled. Ensure it is not required to access page content.
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