Formating fonts in Opera Chat

** updated 28/09/2004 to make changing background colour easier**

I'm sorry, I'm sorry and I'm sorry again. I really shouldn't make this public, but it's only a matter of time before someone else does. If other people using it drives you insane (it does for a lot of us), you can use my im.css customisation to disable it completely.

Opera does not have a way to use colours, bold fonts or underline the way that other IRC clients do, but it can display them. Well, in fact, Opera can generate formatted text, but to save us from floods of newbies littering our channels with what they think is "kewl", the developers decided not to make it part of the Opera menus. As a result, creating it in Opera is a difficult task of opening another IRC client, making it there, then copy & pasting it into Opera.

Well - and here is the reason for my apology - I have worked out how to put it in a menu to make it easier to use.

In most channels, using this will result in a kick or ban - you have been warned! This feature should be used only for official warnings or notifications.

Click here to install the menu (JavaScript is required to install it). You can then right click in the message box to access the formatting features. Note: this menu also uses significant parts of Toman's chat menu.

Note, if you used this menu in Opera 8, you will need to grab a new copy for Opera 9 - it now includes search shortcut creation, and spellcheck on Mac.

Using the formatting menu

While composing a message in Opera Chat, right click in the message input box to access the chat formatting options.

Chat font formatting is very basic.

To be interpreted correctly, formatting starts and ends must not overlap. In other words, if you enable bold text, then enable underlined text, you must disable underlined text again before you disable bold text.

On some Windows XP installs, the control characters all look different, but incorrectly offset the caret. On other Windows platforms, the control characters all look like a little square. On Linux/Unix and Mac, the control characters all look like a long space. You will need to remember which one is which ...

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