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Just how geeky are you?

Which of these do you use?

How many web sites do you own/run personally, not as part of a job?

How many domain names do you own?

Domain names are not URLs, they look like:,,, etc.

How many browser windows have you had open at any one time?

How many different browsers have you had open at the same time (different version numbers count as different browsers)?

How many computers do you own?

Which of these different types of computer do you own?

How many computers have you used at the same time (not just using one as a server, I mean using the mouse and/or keyboard and/or monitor on each one)?

Which of these operating systems do you know how to use?

On average, how many hours a day do you use your computer?

And on average, using the one you leave on longest, how long do you leave a computer on for every day?

Which of these languages do you know how to write in?

Which of these web based languages do you know how to write in?

How many non web based programs have you written for GUI (graphical user interface - visual)?

How many non web based programs that you have written (GUI and non-GUI) do other people use?

How many computers have you put together from parts (not as a job)?

If your friends have problems with their computers, do they or would they usually ask you for help?

How many online nicks do you have?

How many shell accounts do you own?

How many of these chat abreviations do you understand: m8 asl ppl thx brb?

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This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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