Grid Reference Utilities - testsuite


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This page tests the Grid Reference Utilities PHP and JavaScript libraries. For further details, see the links on the sidebar. The PHP tests run on my server. The JavaScript tests run in your browser. Browsers can have small floating point precision differences. The tests try to avoid showing a failure in such cases, but it is possible that your browser could fail due to very large floating point precision errors. These can normally be ignored.


get_UK_grid_ref truncated textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref rounded textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref array inputPASS
get_UK_grid_ref array extraPASS
get_UK_grid_ref default figurePASS
get_UK_grid_ref 6 figure truncated textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref 6 figure rounded textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref 20 figure truncated textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref 20 figure rounded textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref European textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref Asian textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref default textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref symbol textPASS
get_UK_grid_ref HTMLPASS
get_UK_grid_ref truePASS
get_UK_grid_ref array outputPASS
get_UK_grid_ref falsePASS
get_UK_grid_ref defaultsPASS
get_UK_grid_ref out of gridPASS
get_UK_grid_ref denyBadReferencePASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing no spacesPASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing first spacePASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing second spacePASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing spacesPASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing whitespacePASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing dot spacePASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing 4 figurePASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing unbalancedPASS
get_UK_grid_nums European textPASS
get_UK_grid_nums Asian textPASS
get_UK_grid_nums default textPASS
get_UK_grid_nums symbol textPASS
get_UK_grid_nums HTMLPASS
get_UK_grid_nums truePASS
get_UK_grid_nums array outputPASS
get_UK_grid_nums falsePASS
get_UK_grid_nums defaultsPASS
get_UK_grid_nums unbalanced separatePASS
get_UK_grid_nums floating pointPASS
get_UK_grid_nums short floating pointPASS
get_UK_grid_nums one floating pointPASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing one floatPASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing too many charsPASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing not enough charsPASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing not enough chars no-spacePASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing separate paramsPASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing separate error lettersPASS
get_UK_grid_nums parsing separate error numbersPASS
get_UK_grid_nums array inputPASS
get_UK_grid_nums array extraPASS
get_UK_grid_nums deny bad parsingPASS
get_UK_grid_nums deny separate error lettersPASS
get_UK_grid_nums allow too many separate lettersPASS
get_UK_grid_nums deny too many separate lettersPASS
get_UK_grid_nums deny separate error numbersPASS
get_UK_grid_nums text roundedPASS
get_UK_grid_nums array roundedPASS
get_UK_grid_nums array rounded decimalPASS
get_UK_grid_nums text precisePASS
get_UK_grid_nums text precise truncated decimalPASS
get_UK_grid_nums text precise rounded decimalPASS
get_UK_grid_nums precise does not affect arraysPASS
get_Irish_grid_ref truncated textPASS
get_Irish_grid_ref error handlingPASS
get_Irish_grid_ref deny badPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums parsing no spacesPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums parsing spacesPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums separate paramsPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums array inputPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums array extraPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums too many lettersPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums too many separate lettersPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums deny too many lettersPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums deny too many separate lettersPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums parsing precise truncationPASS
get_Irish_grid_nums parsing precise roundingPASS
add_grid_units text outputPASS
add_grid_units negativePASS
add_grid_units array inputPASS
add_grid_units array extraPASS
add_grid_units European textPASS
add_grid_units Asian textPASS
add_grid_units default textPASS
add_grid_units symbol textPASS
add_grid_units HTMLPASS
add_grid_units truePASS
add_grid_units array outputPASS
add_grid_units falsePASS
add_grid_units defaultsPASS
add_grid_units array negative eastingPASS
add_grid_units array negative northingPASS
add_grid_units precisePASS
add_grid_units precise arrayPASS
parse_grid_nums integersPASS
parse_grid_nums floating point numbersPASS
parse_grid_nums signsPASS
parse_grid_nums directions 1PASS
parse_grid_nums directions 2PASS
parse_grid_nums directions and signsPASS
parse_grid_nums spacePASS
parse_grid_nums unitsPASS
parse_grid_nums invalidPASS
parse_grid_nums array inputPASS
parse_grid_nums array extraPASS
parse_grid_nums European textPASS
parse_grid_nums Asian textPASS
parse_grid_nums default textPASS
parse_grid_nums symbol textPASS
parse_grid_nums HTMLPASS
parse_grid_nums truePASS
parse_grid_nums array outputPASS
parse_grid_nums deny invalidPASS
parse_grid_nums strict_nums integerPASS
parse_grid_nums strict_nums floatsPASS
parse_grid_nums strict_nums directionsPASS
parse_grid_nums precisePASS
parse_grid_nums precise array outputPASS
parse_grid_nums precise array inputPASS
get_shift_set for existing valuesPASS
get_shift_set for non-existent valuesPASS
create_shift_set with valid valuesPASS
create_shift_set with invalid namePASS
create_shift_set with empty namePASS
create_shift_set with no x_spacingPASS
create_shift_set with no y_spacingPASS
create_shift_record with valid valuesPASS
cache_shift_records with single itemPASS
cache_shift_records with multiple itemsPASS
cache_shift_records without namePASS
cache_shift_records with no itemsPASS
cache_shift_records with empty arrayPASS
cache_shift_records with invalid namePASS
cache_shift_records with invalid record namePASS
cache_shift_records with invalid east_shiftPASS
cache_shift_records with invalid north_shiftPASS
cache_shift_records with invalid geoid_undulationPASS
delete_shift_cache with namePASS
delete_shift_cache with non-existent namePASS
delete_shift_cache without namePASS
shift_grid with easting, northingPASS
shift_grid with easting, northing, heightPASS
shift_grid with [ easting, northing ]PASS
shift_grid with [ easting, northing ], heightPASS
shift_grid with [ easting, northing, height]PASS
shift_grid with [ easting, northing, height], heightFAIL: Threw a warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type int /var/www/vhosts/tarquin-howto/webroot/php/gridrefutils.php Line: 650
shift_grid array extraPASS
shift_grid with easting on grid edgePASS
shift_grid with northing on grid edgePASS
shift_grid with easting,northing on grid edgePASS
shift_grid with invalid easting or northingPASS
shift_grid with coordinates out of gridPASS
shift_grid with missing shiftsetPASS
shift_grid with invalid x_spacingPASS
shift_grid with invalid y_spacingPASS
shift_grid with custom shiftsetPASS
shift_grid with index-less custom shiftsetPASS
shift_grid proving cache worksPASS
shift_grid proving set deletion worksPASS
shift_grid proving deletion worksPASS
shift_grid proving deletion limitsPASS
shift_grid with invalid fetch_recordsPASS
shift_grid with anonymous fetch_recordsPASS
shift_grid European textPASS
shift_grid Asian textPASS
shift_grid default textPASS
shift_grid symbol textPASS
shift_grid HTMLPASS
shift_grid error arrayPASS
shift_grid error height arrayPASS
shift_grid truePASS
shift_grid array outputPASS
shift_grid no datum array outputPASS
shift_grid height arrayPASS
shift_grid no datum height arrayPASS
shift_grid falsePASS
shift_grid defaultsPASS
shift_grid denied bad easting or northingPASS
shift_grid denied coordinates out of gridPASS
shift_grid precisePASS
shift_grid precise arrayPASS
reverse_shift_grid with easting, northingPASS
reverse_shift_grid with easting, northing, heightPASS
reverse_shift_grid with [ easting, northing ]PASS
reverse_shift_grid with [ easting, northing ], heightPASS
reverse_shift_grid with [ easting, northing, height]PASS
reverse_shift_grid with [ easting, northing, height], heightFAIL: Threw a warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type int /var/www/vhosts/tarquin-howto/webroot/php/gridrefutils.php Line: 674
reverse_shift_grid array extraPASS
reverse_shift_grid with easting on grid edgePASS
reverse_shift_grid with northing on grid edgePASS
reverse_shift_grid with easting,northing on grid edgePASS
reverse_shift_grid with invalid easting or northingPASS
reverse_shift_grid with coordinates out of gridPASS
reverse_shift_grid with missing shiftsetPASS
reverse_shift_grid with invalid x_spacingPASS
reverse_shift_grid with invalid y_spacingPASS
reverse_shift_grid with custom shiftsetPASS
reverse_shift_grid with index-less custom shiftsetPASS
reverse_shift_grid proving cache worksPASS
reverse_shift_grid proving set deletion worksPASS
reverse_shift_grid proving deletion worksPASS
reverse_shift_grid with invalid fetch_recordsPASS
reverse_shift_grid with anonymous fetch_recordsPASS
reverse_shift_grid with European textPASS
reverse_shift_grid with Asian textPASS
reverse_shift_grid with default textPASS
reverse_shift_grid with symbol textPASS
reverse_shift_grid HTMLPASS
reverse_shift_grid error arrayPASS
reverse_shift_grid error height arrayPASS
reverse_shift_grid truePASS
reverse_shift_grid array outputPASS
reverse_shift_grid no datum array outputPASS
reverse_shift_grid height arrayPASS
reverse_shift_grid no datum height arrayPASS
reverse_shift_grid falsePASS
reverse_shift_grid defaultsPASS
reverse_shift_grid denied bad easting or northingPASS
reverse_shift_grid denied coordinates out of gridPASS
reverse_shift_grid precisePASS
reverse_shift_grid precise arrayPASS
get_ellipsoid for existing Airy_1830PASS
get_ellipsoid for existing Airy_1830_modPASS
get_ellipsoid for existing GRS80PASS
get_ellipsoid for existing WGS84PASS
get_ellipsoid for non-existent valuesPASS
create_ellipsoid with valid valuesPASS
get_datum for existing OSGB36PASS
get_datum for existing OSTN15PASS
get_datum for existing Ireland_1965PASS
get_datum for existing IRENET95PASS
get_datum for existing UPS_NorthPASS
get_datum for existing UPS_SouthPASS
get_datum for non-existent valuesPASS
create_datum with valid valuesPASS
create_datum with no ellipsoidPASS
create_datum with invalid ellipsoidPASS
grid_to_lat_long with easting, northingPASS
grid_to_lat_long with array inputPASS
grid_to_lat_long array extraPASS
grid_to_lat_long with large northingPASS
grid_to_lat_long forcing wraparoundPASS
grid_to_lat_long forcing shortcut wraparoundPASS
grid_to_lat_long with custom datumPASS
grid_to_lat_long with invalid datumPASS
grid_to_lat_long with OSGB36PASS
grid_to_lat_long with Ireland_1965PASS
grid_to_lat_long with IRENET95PASS
grid_to_lat_long with COORDS_OS_UKPASS
grid_to_lat_long with COORDS_OSIPASS
grid_to_lat_long with COORDS_GPS_ITMPASS
grid_to_lat_long with COORDS_GPS_UKPASS
grid_to_lat_long with COORDS_GPS_IRISHPASS
grid_to_lat_long with COORDS_GPS_IRISH_HELMERTPASS
grid_to_lat_long with European textPASS
grid_to_lat_long with Asian textPASS
grid_to_lat_long with default textPASS
grid_to_lat_long with symbol textPASS
grid_to_lat_long HTMLPASS
grid_to_lat_long truePASS
grid_to_lat_long array outputPASS
grid_to_lat_long falsePASS
grid_to_lat_long defaultsPASS
lat_long_to_grid with latitude, longitudePASS
lat_long_to_grid with array inputPASS
lat_long_to_grid array extraPASS
grid_to_lat_long with custom datumPASS
lat_long_to_grid with missing datumPASS
lat_long_to_grid with invalid datumPASS
lat_long_to_grid with OSGB36PASS
lat_long_to_grid with Ireland_1965PASS
lat_long_to_grid with IRENET95PASS
lat_long_to_grid with COORDS_OS_UKPASS
lat_long_to_grid with COORDS_OSIPASS
lat_long_to_grid with COORDS_GPS_ITMPASS
lat_long_to_grid with COORDS_GPS_UKPASS
lat_long_to_grid with COORDS_GPS_IRISHPASS
lat_long_to_grid with COORDS_GPS_IRISH_HELMERTPASS
lat_long_to_grid with European textPASS
lat_long_to_grid with Asian textPASS
lat_long_to_grid with default textPASS
lat_long_to_grid with symbol textPASS
lat_long_to_grid HTMLPASS
lat_long_to_grid truePASS
lat_long_to_grid array outputPASS
lat_long_to_grid falsePASS
lat_long_to_grid defaultsPASS
lat_long_to_grid precisePASS
lat_long_to_grid precise arrayPASS
utm_to_lat_long with shorthandPASS
utm_to_lat_long with shorthand floatsPASS
utm_to_lat_long with shorthand hemispherePASS
utm_to_lat_long with shorthand southPASS
utm_to_lat_long with shorthand south letterPASS
utm_to_lat_long with shorthand negativePASS
utm_to_lat_long with shorthand punctuationPASS
utm_to_lat_long with shorthand octalPASS
utm_to_lat_long with longhandPASS
utm_to_lat_long with longhandPASS
utm_to_lat_long with longhand southPASS
utm_to_lat_long with longhand negativePASS
utm_to_lat_long with longhand punctuationPASS
utm_to_lat_long with longhand punctuation2PASS
utm_to_lat_long with longhand octalPASS
utm_to_lat_long invalid shorthandPASS
utm_to_lat_long invalid shorthand zonePASS
utm_to_lat_long invalid longhandPASS
utm_to_lat_long with separate parametersPASS
utm_to_lat_long separate parameters southPASS
utm_to_lat_long with array inputPASS
utm_to_lat_long array extraPASS
utm_to_lat_long separate with zone -1PASS
utm_to_lat_long separate with zone 70PASS
utm_to_lat_long with custom ellipsoidPASS
utm_to_lat_long with invalid ellipsoidPASS
utm_to_lat_long with European textPASS
utm_to_lat_long with Asian textPASS
utm_to_lat_long with default textPASS
utm_to_lat_long with symbol textPASS
utm_to_lat_long HTMLPASS
utm_to_lat_long truePASS
utm_to_lat_long array outputPASS
utm_to_lat_long falsePASS
utm_to_lat_long defaultsPASS
lat_long_to_utm shorthandPASS
lat_long_to_utm array inputPASS
lat_long_to_utm array extraPASS
lat_long_to_utm shorthand southPASS
lat_long_to_utm shorthand wraparoundPASS
lat_long_to_utm longhandPASS
lat_long_to_utm longhand southPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 31HPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 31JPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 31NPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 31PPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 32VPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 32VPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 31WPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 31XPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 33X westPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 33X eastPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 35X westPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 35X eastPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone 37X westPASS
lat_long_to_utm 180 is zone 1PASS
lat_long_to_utm zone APASS
lat_long_to_utm zone BPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone YPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone ZPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone A longhandPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone B longhandPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone Y longhandPASS
lat_long_to_utm zone Z longhandPASS
lat_long_to_utm invalid coordinatesPASS
lat_long_to_utm custom ellipsoidPASS
lat_long_to_utm invalid ellipsoidPASS
lat_long_to_utm with European textPASS
lat_long_to_utm with Asian textPASS
lat_long_to_utm with default textPASS
lat_long_to_utm with symbol textPASS
lat_long_to_utm HTMLPASS
lat_long_to_utm truePASS
lat_long_to_utm shorthand output arrayPASS
lat_long_to_utm longhand output arrayPASS
lat_long_to_utm falsePASS
lat_long_to_utm defaultsPASS
lat_long_to_utm deny bad rangePASS
lat_long_to_utm deny bad valuePASS
lat_long_to_utm shorthand precisePASS
lat_long_to_utm longhand precisePASS
lat_long_to_utm precise arrayPASS
polar_to_lat_long with easting, northingPASS
polar_to_lat_long with array inputPASS
polar_to_lat_long array extraPASS
polar_to_lat_long with large northingPASS
polar_to_lat_long with large eastingPASS
polar_to_lat_long southPASS
polar_to_lat_long with custom datumPASS
polar_to_lat_long with invalid datumPASS
polar_to_lat_long with no datumPASS
polar_to_lat_long with European textPASS
polar_to_lat_long with Asian textPASS
polar_to_lat_long with default textPASS
polar_to_lat_long with symbol textPASS
polar_to_lat_long HTMLPASS
polar_to_lat_long truePASS
polar_to_lat_long array outputPASS
polar_to_lat_long falsePASS
polar_to_lat_long defaultsPASS
lat_long_to_polar with latitude, longitudePASS
lat_long_to_polar with array inputPASS
lat_long_to_polar array extraPASS
lat_long_to_polar with southPASS
lat_long_to_polar with custom datumPASS
lat_long_to_polar with invalid datumPASS
lat_long_to_polar with no datumPASS
lat_long_to_polar with European textPASS
lat_long_to_polar with Asian textPASS
lat_long_to_polar with default textPASS
lat_long_to_polar with symbol textPASS
lat_long_to_polar HTMLPASS
lat_long_to_polar truePASS
lat_long_to_polar array outputPASS
lat_long_to_polar falsePASS
lat_long_to_polar defaultsPASS
lat_long_to_polar precisePASS
lat_long_to_polar precise arrayPASS
ups_to_lat_long with zone lettersPASS
ups_to_lat_long with hemispherePASS
ups_to_lat_long with zone letters floatsPASS
ups_to_lat_long with hemisphere floatsPASS
ups_to_lat_long with fu$ll namePASS
ups_to_lat_long south zonePASS
ups_to_lat_long south hemispherePASS
ups_to_lat_long south fu$ll namePASS
ups_to_lat_long west negativePASS
ups_to_lat_long with punctuationPASS
ups_to_lat_long with invalid stringPASS
ups_to_lat_long with zone, easting, northingPASS
ups_to_lat_long with array inputPASS
ups_to_lat_long array extraPASS
ups_to_lat_long hemisphere 1PASS
ups_to_lat_long hemisphere NPASS
ups_to_lat_long hemisphere NorthPASS
ups_to_lat_long hemisphere BPASS
ups_to_lat_long hemisphere sPASS
ups_to_lat_long hemisphere -1PASS
ups_to_lat_long invalid zonePASS
ups_to_lat_long null zonePASS
ups_to_lat_long with European textPASS
ups_to_lat_long with Asian textPASS
ups_to_lat_long with default textPASS
ups_to_lat_long with symbol textPASS
ups_to_lat_long HTMLPASS
ups_to_lat_long truePASS
ups_to_lat_long array outputPASS
ups_to_lat_long falsePASS
ups_to_lat_long defaultsPASS
ups_to_lat_long with denied invalid stringPASS
ups_to_lat_long with denied invalid zonePASS
ups_to_lat_long with long coordinatesPASS
ups_to_lat_long with short coordinatesPASS
ups_to_lat_long with denied short eastingPASS
ups_to_lat_long with denied short northingPASS
lat_long_to_ups with zone lettersPASS
lat_long_to_ups array inputPASS
lat_long_to_ups array extraPASS
lat_long_to_ups with zone letters westPASS
lat_long_to_ups with zone letters southPASS
lat_long_to_ups with zone letters southwestPASS
lat_long_to_ups wraparoundPASS
lat_long_to_ups with hemispherePASS
lat_long_to_ups with south hemispherePASS
lat_long_to_ups 0 is ZPASS
lat_long_to_ups invalid coordinatesPASS
lat_long_to_ups coordinates out of range northPASS
lat_long_to_ups coordinates range northPASS
lat_long_to_ups coordinates beyond northPASS
lat_long_to_ups coordinates out of range southPASS
lat_long_to_ups coordinates range southPASS
lat_long_to_ups coordinates beyond southPASS
lat_long_to_ups with European textPASS
lat_long_to_ups with Asian textPASS
lat_long_to_ups with default textPASS
lat_long_to_ups with symbol textPASS
lat_long_to_ups HTMLPASS
lat_long_to_ups truePASS
lat_long_to_ups array outputPASS
lat_long_to_ups falsePASS
lat_long_to_ups defaultsPASS
lat_long_to_ups deny invalid coordinatesPASS
lat_long_to_ups deny invalid rangePASS
lat_long_to_ups precisePASS
lat_long_to_ups precise arrayPASS
dd_to_dms basic DMSPASS
dd_to_dms array input PASS
dd_to_dms array extraPASS
dd_to_dms DMS 59.9999999 roundingPASS
dd_to_dms DMS 0,0 is northeastPASS
dd_to_dms DMS southwest too smallPASS
dd_to_dms southeastPASS
dd_to_dms beyond 180 longitudePASS
dd_to_dms basic DMPASS
dd_to_dms DM 59.999999999 roundingPASS
dd_to_dms DM southeastPASS
dd_to_dms DMS European textPASS
dd_to_dms DMS Asian textPASS
dd_to_dms DMS default textPASS
dd_to_dms DMS symbol textPASS
dd_to_dms DMS HTMLPASS
dd_to_dms DMS truePASS
dd_to_dms DM European textPASS
dd_to_dms DM Asian textPASS
dd_to_dms DM default textPASS
dd_to_dms DM symbol textPASS
dd_to_dms DM HTMLPASS
dd_to_dms DM truePASS
dd_to_dms DMS arrayPASS
dd_to_dms DMS southeast arrayPASS
dd_to_dms DMS falsePASS
dd_to_dms defaultsPASS
dd_to_dms DM arrayPASS
dd_format unitsPASS
dd_format array inputPASS
dd_format array extraPASS
dd_format southeast unitsPASS
dd_format units wraparoundPASS
dd_format units -179.99999999995PASS
dd_format no_unitsPASS
dd_format southeast no_unitsPASS
dd_format no_units wraparoundPASS
dd_format no_units -179.99999999995PASS
dd_format units European textPASS
dd_format units Asian textPASS
dd_format units default textPASS
dd_format units symbol textPASS
dd_format units HTMLPASS
dd_format units truePASS
dd_format no_units European textPASS
dd_format no_units Asian textPASS
dd_format no_units default textPASS
dd_format no_units symbol textPASS
dd_format no_units HTMLPASS
dd_format units output arrayPASS
dd_format southeast units output arrayPASS
dd_format no_units output arrayPASS
dd_format southeast no_units output arrayPASS
dd_format falsePASS
dd_format defaultsPASS
dms_to_dd with DMSPASS
dms_to_dd with nonsense unitsPASS
dms_to_dd with a$ll decimalsPASS
dms_to_dd with southeast DMSPASS
dms_to_dd with negated DMSPASS
dms_to_dd DMS without commaPASS
dms_to_dd DMS no directionPASS
dms_to_dd whitespacePASS
dms_to_dd with DMPASS
dms_to_dd with DDPASS
dms_to_dd separator-lessPASS
dms_to_dd separator-less southeastPASS
dms_to_dd separator-less negatedPASS
dms_to_dd separator-less without commaPASS
dms_to_dd separator-less whitespacePASS
dms_to_dd disallowed unitlessPASS
dms_to_dd invalidPASS
dms_to_dd array inputPASS
dms_to_dd array extraPASS
dms_to_dd southeast array inputPASS
dms_to_dd multibytePASS
dms_to_dd with European textPASS
dms_to_dd with Asian textPASS
dms_to_dd with default textPASS
dms_to_dd with symbol textPASS
dms_to_dd HTMLPASS
dms_to_dd truePASS
dms_to_dd array outputPASS
dms_to_dd defaultsPASS
dms_to_dd denied unitlessPASS
dms_to_dd denied invalidPASS
dms_to_dd allowed unitlessPASS
dms_to_dd allowed unitless whitespacePASS
get_transformation for existing WGS84_to_OSGB36PASS
get_transformation for existing OSGB36_to_WGS84PASS
get_transformation for existing WGS84_to_Ireland65PASS
get_transformation for existing Ireland65_to_WGS84PASS
get_transformation for non-existent valuesPASS
create_transformation with valid valuesPASS
Helmert_transform from WGS84 to Ireland65PASS
Helmert_transform from Ireland65 to WGS84PASS
Helmert_transform from WGS84 to OSGB36PASS
Helmert_transform from OSGB36 to WGS84PASS
Helmert_transform with custom transformationPASS
Helmert_transform with latitude, longitude, heightPASS
Helmert_transform comparing default heightPASS
Helmert_transform with [ latitude, longitude ]PASS
Helmert_transform with [ latitude, longitude ], heightPASS
Helmert_transform with [ latitude, longitude, height ]PASS
Helmert_transform array extraPASS
Helmert_transform wraparoundPASS
Helmert_transform missing fromPASS
Helmert_transform invalid fromPASS
Helmert_transform missing viaPASS
Helmert_transform invalid viaPASS
Helmert_transform missing toPASS
Helmert_transform invalid toPASS
Helmert_transform with European textPASS
Helmert_transform with Asian textPASS
Helmert_transform with default textPASS
Helmert_transform with symbol textPASS
Helmert_transform HTMLPASS
Helmert_transform truePASS
Helmert_transform array outputPASS
Helmert_transform falsePASS
Helmert_transform defaultsPASS
Helmert_transform height arrayPASS
get_polynomial_coefficients for existing OSiLPSPASS
create_polynomial_coefficients with valid valuesPASS
create_polynomial_coefficients with missing APASS
create_polynomial_coefficients with empty APASS
create_polynomial_coefficients with invalid A[0]PASS
create_polynomial_coefficients with missing BPASS
create_polynomial_coefficients with empty BPASS
create_polynomial_coefficients with invalid B[0]PASS
polynomial_transform from WGS84 to Ireland65PASS
polynomial_transform with array inputPASS
polynomial_transform array extraPASS
polynomial_transform with custom coefficientsPASS
polynomial_transform with negative coefficientsPASS
polynomial_transform with invalid coefficientsPASS
polynomial_transform with unsupported coefficientsPASS
polynomial_transform with European textPASS
polynomial_transform with Asian textPASS
polynomial_transform with default textPASS
polynomial_transform with symbol textPASS
polynomial_transform HTMLPASS
polynomial_transform truePASS
polynomial_transform output arrayPASS
polynomial_transform defaultsPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform from Ireland65 to WGS84PASS
reverse_polynomial_transform with array inputPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform array extraPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform with custom coefficientsPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform with negative coefficientsPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform with invalid coefficientsPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform with unsupported coefficientsPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform with European textPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform with Asian textPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform with default textPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform with symbol textPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform HTMLPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform truePASS
reverse_polynomial_transform array outputPASS
reverse_polynomial_transform falsePASS
reverse_polynomial_transform defaultsPASS
get_geodesic_destination separatePASS
get_geodesic_destination lat,long arrayPASS
get_geodesic_destination lat,long array extraPASS
get_geodesic_destination distance,azimuth arrayPASS
get_geodesic_destination distance,azimuth array extraPASS
get_geodesic_destination input arraysPASS
get_geodesic_destination northPASS
get_geodesic_destination azimuth rangePASS
get_geodesic_destination hugePASS
get_geodesic_destination tinyPASS
get_geodesic_destination nearly 360PASS
get_geodesic_destination custom ellipsoidPASS
get_geodesic_destination missing ellipsoidPASS
get_geodesic_destination invalid ellipsoidPASS
get_geodesic_destination with European textPASS
get_geodesic_destination with Asian textPASS
get_geodesic_destination with default textPASS
get_geodesic_destination with symbol textPASS
get_geodesic_destination HTMLPASS
get_geodesic_destination truePASS
get_geodesic_destination array outputPASS
get_geodesic_destination falsePASS
get_geodesic_destination defaultsPASS
get_geodesic separatePASS
get_geodesic array fromPASS
get_geodesic array from extraPASS
get_geodesic array toPASS
get_geodesic array to extraPASS
get_geodesic input arraysPASS
get_geodesic polar startPASS
get_geodesic polar endPASS
get_geodesic nearly northPASS
get_geodesic southwestPASS
get_geodesic with custom ellipsoidPASS
get_geodesic with missing ellipsoidPASS
get_geodesic with invalid ellipsoidPASS
get_geodesic with European textPASS
get_geodesic with Asian textPASS
get_geodesic with default textPASS
get_geodesic with symbol textPASS
get_geodesic HTMLPASS
get_geodesic truePASS
get_geodesic array outputPASS
get_geodesic falsePASS
get_geodesic defaultsPASS
get_geodesic antipodal textPASS
get_geodesic identical textPASS
get_geodesic antipodal polarPASS
get_geodesic antipodal otherPASS
get_geodesic antipodal prolatePASS
get_geodesic nearly antipodal prolate eastPASS
get_geodesic nearly antipodal prolate westPASS
get_geodesic nearly antipodal northernPASS
get_geodesic nearly antipodal southernPASS
get_geodesic identical polarPASS
get_geodesic identical south polarPASS
get_geodesic identical otherPASS
get_geodesic nearly identical northPASS
get_geodesic nearly identical northeastPASS
get_geodesic nearly identical eastPASS
get_geodesic nearly identical southeastPASS
get_geodesic nearly identical southPASS
get_geodesic nearly identical southwestPASS
get_geodesic nearly identical westPASS
get_geodesic nearly identical northwestPASS
get_geoid_grd for existing OSGM15_BelfastPASS
get_geoid_$grd for existing OSGM15_MalinPASS
get_geoid_$grd for existing EGM96_ww15mghPASS
get_geoid_$grd for non-existent valuesPASS
create_geoid_$grd with valid valuesPASS
create_geoid_$grd with invalid namePASS
create_geoid_$grd with empty namePASS
create_geoid_$grd with inverted latitude max-minPASS
create_geoid_$grd with inverted longitude max-minPASS
create_geoid_$grd with no latitude_spacingPASS
create_geoid_$grd with negative latitude_spacingPASS
create_geoid_$grd with no longitude_spacingPASS
create_geoid_$grd with negative longitude_spacingPASS
create_geoid_recordwith valid valuesPASS
cache_geoid_records with single itemPASS
cache_geoid_records with multiple itemsPASS
cache_geoid_records without namePASS
cache_geoid_records with no itemsPASS
cache_geoid_records with empty arrayPASS
cache_geoid_records with invalid namePASS
cache_geoid_records with invalid record namePASS
cache_geoid_records with invalid geoid_undulationPASS
delete_geoid_cache with namePASS
delete_geoid_cache with non-existent namePASS
delete_geoid_cache without namePASS
apply_geoid with latitude, longitude, heightPASS
apply_geoid with [ latitude, longitude ], heightPASS
apply_geoid with [ latitude, longitude, height ]PASS
apply_geoid array extraPASS
apply_geoid with latitude on grid edgePASS
apply_geoid with longitude on grid edgePASS
apply_geoid with latitude,longitude on grid edgePASS
apply_geoid with invalid latitude or longitudePASS
apply_geoid with coordinates out of gridPASS
apply_geoid directionPASS
apply_geoid with missing geoid $grd specificationPASS
apply_geoid with inverted latitude max-minPASS
apply_geoid with inverted longitude max-minPASS
apply_geoid with invalid latspacingPASS
apply_geoid with negative latspacingPASS
apply_geoid with invalid longspacingPASS
apply_geoid with negative longspacingPASS
apply_geoid with custom geoid $grd specificationPASS
apply_geoid wraparoundPASS
apply_geoid decimals and rangePASS
apply_geoid proving cache worksPASS
apply_geoid proving geoid deletion worksPASS
apply_geoid proving deletion worksPASS
apply_geoid proving deletion limitsPASS
apply_geoid with invalid fetch_recordsPASS
apply_geoid with anonymous fetch_recordsPASS
apply_geoid with European textPASS
apply_geoid with Asian textPASS
apply_geoid with default textPASS
apply_geoid with symbol textPASS
apply_geoid HTMLPASS
apply_geoid truePASS
apply_geoid data outputPASS
apply_geoid falsePASS
apply_geoid defaultsPASS
apply_geoid denied bad latitude,longitudePASS
apply_geoid denied coordinates out of gridPASS
xyz_to_lat_long with X, Y, ZPASS
xyz_to_lat_long with array inputPASS
xyz_to_lat_long array extraPASS
xyz_to_lat_long with custom ellipsoidPASS
xyz_to_lat_long with missing ellipsoidPASS
xyz_to_lat_long with invalid ellipsoidPASS
xyz_to_lat_long with European textPASS
xyz_to_lat_long with Asian textPASS
xyz_to_lat_long with default textPASS
xyz_to_lat_long with symbol textPASS
xyz_to_lat_long HTMLPASS
xyz_to_lat_long truePASS
xyz_to_lat_long array outputPASS
xyz_to_lat_long falsePASS
xyz_to_lat_long defaultsPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with latitude, longitudePASS
lat_long_to_xyz with latitude, longitude, heightPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with comparing default heightPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with [ latitude, longitude ]PASS
lat_long_to_xyz with [ latitude, longitude ], heightPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with [ latitude, longitude, height ]PASS
lat_long_to_xyz array extraPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with latitude, longitudePASS
lat_long_to_xyz with missing ellipsoidPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with invalid ellipsoidPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with European textPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with Asian textPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with default textPASS
lat_long_to_xyz with symbol textPASS
lat_long_to_xyz HTMLPASS
lat_long_to_xyz truePASS
lat_long_to_xyz array outputPASS
lat_long_to_xyz falsePASS
lat_long_to_xyz defaultsPASS
PHP: 798 tests, 2 FAIL in 46 sections


This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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