Grimsoc Ball, Confirmed, Signed, sealed and delivered, Venue: The Wine Press (St Mary's Street), Date: 6th June 2001, Cost £3, Tickets: Mackintosh Monday, Welsh Tuesday or E-Mail .  Sound alright? Good.  Sorry there has been no updates in a while but I've had rather a lot on my plate as of late.  Still this oughta do ya for now.  More gigs to report, Slipknot are playing the CIA towards Autumn (so my sources tell me) and there may well be a weekend Rock club in our fair city by the end of June, I ca say no more.
Woo-hah, I got you all in check!
Love from me
xxx (rated)
What this evil mob are about
Places wot we get pissed
who's playin' our kid
we like these sites
Okay people, the journalism type page idea was a crap one (because not one person sent me a single review), so instead I'm now working on a Grimsoc outings page.  So if any of you lovely people have an photo's of Grimsoc peoples out and about and feel the compulsive urge to send them me then I'm at:

For those of you with computers with sound cards....
The old message board is pretty much dead and buried now, there's very little point posting on it 'cos no-one reads it, but I've left it here in case you lovely so and so's want to read the old amusing stories that were posted, oh and the new outing page will be here:
porn for all!!!