Testing your browser's capabilities


Version number

Your browser supports HTML 4.

Strict or Transitional

If this paragraph is lined up with the left margin, your browser supports HTML Strict. If this paragraph is centrally aligned, your browser supports HTML Transitional.

Images and Image maps

Your browser does not support images or is configured not to. See if you can enable them in your options or preferences.

Click these words - if nothing happens, then your browser does not support image maps.


Inline content



Your browser does not support object rendering.


Your browser has no support for ilayers. This can cause problems with some uses of JavaScript but if your browser supports any version of DHTML, you should have no problems.
Ilayers are not official and were introduced by Netscape for their Netscape 4 browser but were then rejected and were not supported in Netscape 6.

Framesets and frames

Click here to run the tests.

CSS handling - version number

The CSS tests require CSS to be enabled in your browser's preferences. If your browser does support CSS but you do not enable it, the DHTML tests may also give incorrect results. Most DHTML requires CSS2.

Your browser does not support CSS or supports only part of CSS 1.

Your browser does not support CSS or supports only part of CSS 2.

JavaScript handling

Version number


These tests will require CSS2

5th generation test

Click here to test if your browser is 5th generation


Click here to test the positionedElement.visibility syntax
Click here to test the positionedElement.style.visibility syntax

Left and Top Position

Click here to test the positionedElement.left/top syntax
Click here to test the positionedElement.style.left/top syntax
Click here to reset

This element will move if the test is successful.

Element background colour

Click here to test the positionedElement.bgColor syntax
Click here to test the positionedElement.style.background syntax
Click here to test the positionedElement.style.backgroundColor syntax
Click here to reset

Element content

Click here to try re-writing the contents of the element using innerHTML
Click here to try re-writing the contents of the element using the sparate contents syntax

If this text does not change when you click the links, the tests were not successful.

Element z-index

Click here to try changing z-index using positionedElement.zIndex
Click here to try changing z-index using positionedElement.style.zIndex
Click here to reset

The z-index of the positioned element was changed. The test was completely successful.
If this text does not change when you click the links, the tests were not successful.              

Element clip

Click here to try changing clipping using positionedElement.clip (the clip object)
Click here to try changing clipping using positionedElement.style.clip

Your browser does not support clipping
Your browser does not support clipping
Clipping was changed with the clip object
Clipping was changed with the style object

Element size

(ICEbrowser will not show any change in size until the browser window is resized - other browsers may be the same)

Click here to try changing size using resizeTo
Click here to try changing size using positionedElement.style.height/width
Click here to try changing size using positionedElement.style.pixelHeight/pixelWidth
Click here to reset

Element display

Click here to try changing display (if nothing happens, your browser does not allow display to be changed)

Document background colour

This document is not being rendered in (MS) 'standards compliant mode'. These results may be different if the document is being rendered in (MS) 'standards compliant mode'. Click here to check.

Click here to try changing background colour using document.bgColor
Click here to try changing background colour using document.body.style.backgroundColor
Click here to try changing background colour using document.documentElement.style.backgroundColor
Click here to reset

Link position

Click here to test if your browser allows you to find the position of a link

Screen and browser size and scrolling measurements

Click here to run the screen size test

This document is not being rendered in (MS) 'standards compliant mode'. The results of the next two tests may be different if the document is being rendered in (MS) 'standards compliant mode'. Click here to check.

Click here to run the browser window size test

Click here to run the document scrolling test


Mouse event tests

Click here to run the event test

Key event tests

Click here to start / stop keyup detection then press any letter key to test this script.

Speed tests

Click here to run the tests (these may take from a few seconds to half a minute - click once then wait for the results)

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