Franck Couvy


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FromFranck Couvy
Date7 February 2004 18:27
AttachmentScript that performs RC4+Base64 encryption
I am French.
Thank you for your very good scripts.
Collapsible lists is very useful and very simple to use, i reall apreciate.
Here is source code for encryption (RC4 + Base 64) i have made.
working with NN and IE.
Hope this help.
ToFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: Encryption
Date8 February 2004 10:53
Thankyou for the script. I would like to include this on my site. Is that 

I will need to make a few modifications to the HTML page to make it work in 
more browsers.


Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: Encryption
Date8 February 2004 ?
AttachmentPaper chart to be converted into a web based chart
No problemo, you can use it as you want even put your copyright on it.
The html page was just for the demo. You probably need to make something
more usefull...
Personnaly i use this class to encode datas between browser and server:
encoding a submit hidden field of a form and decoding the encoded response.

I'm looking for a multislider control:
I want peaple to make  graphs like [the attached file] by dragging edges of the rects
or drag&droping something or moving a slider.
A kind of interactive chart.
Do you have an idea ?

Have a good Day.
ToFranck Couvy
Date8 February 2004 ?
> No problemo, you can use it as you want even put your copyright on it.


I will leave the credits as being yours :)

> I'm looking for a multislider control:

I'm afraid my graph script does not offer that functionality, as it is not 
dynamic. It is quite easy to make a bar change size as you drag a 
slider (for example, my sliders ...), but producing the grid is much 
harder to do.

If you can produce the grid, and position the start of a bar where you need
it, a simple function would be able to change the size dynamically. Do you
want more info on how to do this, or were you looking for a finished 
FromFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: sliders
Date10 February 2004 08:09
> I will leave the credits as being yours :)
please don't leave my email (spam spam spam...)

> > I'm looking for a multislider control:
> What is it for ?
It's for medical research.
I'm trying to make a web user interface for people who want to fill a

it's a log of sleep events for people suffering sleep diseases.
they have to put on a paper table:
At what time i go to bed
At what time a sleep
how long i sleep
etc... each day
We are saving the results and making some calculation based on them.

Initially i made an interactive questionnary based on dynamic lists,
returning an array of results
I send the result to the server and the server send back a graph.
it works well but it's too long to fill, so the paper is better....
So I wanted to use sliders to position/move events on the grid.
Perhaps it would be simplier to 'write' directly on the grid (by clicking
on cell?)

Have you an idea?
ToFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: sliders
Date10 February 2004 08:47
> please don't leave my email (spam spam spam...)

I always hide email addresses, I will only put your name

> it's a log of sleep events for people suffering sleep diseases.

Ok, the idea of writing on the grid is possible, but let us try the
original idea first, because it will make more sense to the people who
would use it.

The problem is that a person may sleep several times a night, or get up for
a while etc, so you would need lots of sliders for the whole day.

Here is an idea:
Click on a day line (to say what night you are interested in)
Select an event (go to bed, go to sleep, wake up, get up, etc.)
use just one slider to position that event on the grid

Would something like that be acceptable?
FromFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: sliders
Date10 February 2004 10:00
> The problem is that a person may sleep several times a night, or get up
> for a while etc, so you would need lots of sliders for the whole day.

Clever man :))))
i didn't mention that and in fact that's one of my problems.

> Click on a day line (to say what night you are interested in)
> Select an event (go to bed, go to sleep, wake up, get up, etc.)
> use just one slider to position that event on the grid

You mean recreating a slider each time ? and use it to enter the time of the
event ?

Could it be done via drag'n drop ?:
select an event, drag on the line, drop on the correct time (with a 'snap to
grid' function)?
in this case we have to check for the logic of operation .
(eg we can't wake up before go to sleep)
ToFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: sliders
Date10 February 2004 13:17
Select an event and click on the grid to say when (snap to grid also). That
is easily possible, and it is even easier than drag and drop. They would
also need to be able to delete if they got it wrong, but that is easy too.

The 'sanity checking' (logic of operation) is very hard to check. The fact
is that I may want to select 'get up', then click on every time I got up
for a whole week, or several times a night. I then want to put in all the
times I went to bed, etc. This gets very difficult to check, as you will
have to check just before they save the changes, not as they are actually
using it.

When they save the changes (and _only_ once they have saved them), you can
put in your different colour bars. While they are editing, they would have
to have just a single vertical line at the time they chose. To save the
changes, each event would be stored as an entry in a hidden input, and the
server would need to parse the information (it wouldn't be hard to do, it
would look like:
b22:00s22:30w06:15u07:00 - I could give you some code to interpret it)

This could be done so that it works in:
 Internet Explorer 4+, Netscape 4+, Opera 7+, Gecko engine (Mozilla,
 Netscape 6+ etc.), KHTML (Konqueror, Safari, OmniWeb 4.5+), Escape 4,

Do you want me to write a prototype to demonstrate?
FromFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: sliders
Date10 February 2004 15:27
> Select an event and click on the grid to say when ....;
can you give me a framework to do that ?

> sanity check
Ill see after: server or client...

> transfer
I usually like to use xml hidden field to tranfert complex values to server.
(+ transform and store on xml file (eg aquivs.xml))
(plus using xslt to display results (eg view_n.xsl))

> compatibility
I'm not very happy with javascript browser compatibility
can you tell me if the client code in sl_saisie.asp is right
(remove asp code...)
ToFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: sliders
Date12 February 2004 21:48
XML is good, but you might need to use the POST method because GET is
restricted to 4KB encoded.

As for a framework, it may be difficult for me to do this, as I don't know
the exact setup of your tables. However, I have written all the scripts
necessary to do this. You will need a reasonably good knowledge of
JavaScript to do this:

what you need to do is put the table (I suggest you use an image of it to
make sure it is always the correct size) in a div with style

then you get the image to detect the onmousedown event, and find the
position of the mouse event relative to the image.

You can find the position of the mousedown relative to the page using the
script I wrote:
And you can find the position of the image relative to the page using
another script:

You then need to calculate what day and time that relates to (I'm afraid
this is up to you, and you will need to know the exact measurements of the
lines of your table), and create a DIV element at the correct position to
show where they clicked. you can create elements as children of the
container DIV using another script:

[ED. I have also written a script to do all sorts of things like this for you:]
FromFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: sliders
Date13 February 2004 06:49
thanks a lot
i'll try this way

Your tutorials are ok
I havent see them before (am I blind ?!!!....)
I'll read them in detail
Thanks a lot for your attention and your very good job.
Have a good day.
ToFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: sliders
Date13 February 2004 08:11
I have had a better idea. I will write an example and send it to you later.
ToFranck Couvy
SubjectRe: sliders
Date13 February 2004 08:11
AttachmentScript that allows the chart to be dynamic
I have written the entire script to do what you needed. All you need to do
now is to write the server side script to prefill the row data with
existing times. Give it a try. It is the easiest of all the possible
solutions, and makes both server and client side easy to manage. It also
manages conflicts etc. while making it as easy as possible for people to
fill it in.

let me know what you think :)
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