Idan Sofer


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FromIdan Sofer
SubjectComment regarding the browser speed test
Date19 February 2005 18:52
First of  all,good job at the browser benchmarking comparisons, something
like that was needed a long time ago:-)

Regarding your comment that:

'Surprisingly, Mozilla is now faster at most tasks than Firefox'

Mozilla 1.8 is indeed faster then Firefox 1.0, that shouldn't come as a
surprise - the latter's gecko was branched directly from Mozilla 1.7 if i'm
not mistaken, while the former has the latest enhancments from the trunk.

You will notice it also in firefox nightlies, which indeed run more
smoothly on scripting oriented site then FF 1.0, and as indicated by my own
benchmark suite:

[test page addresses]

ToIdan Sofer
SubjectRe: Comment regarding the browser speed test
Date19 February 2005 19:17
> First of  all,good job at the browser benchmarking comparisons, something
> like that was needed a long time ago:-)

Thankyou :)

> Mozilla 1.8 is indeed faster then Firefox 1.0, that shouldn't come as a
> surprise

Please see the previous emails where I have qualified that comment (I am
going to have to add a permanent link to that email, I have had too many
mails about it already ;)

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