John Zehnder


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FromJohn Zehnder
SubjectTrouble using miniwindow over top of Iframe
Date4 November 2006 08:17
 Dear Sir,

I have been looking for scripts for moveable windows and I came across your
site.  It is the best site have have come across.

I have two problems using your miniwindows.

First, I want to be able to move a miniwindow over the top of a Iframe that
has a width=800 and height=800.  The window moves smoothly when it is moving
around next to the Iframe, but when I move the window over the Iframe the
moveable window stutters and sometimes hangs up.  It seems like the browser
is listening for mousemove events while over the iframe and it is
interfering with the miniwindow move events.  I don't want to hide the
Iframe while moving the miniwindow because I want to move the miniwindow so
that it is next to some of the content in the Iframe.  Is there anyway I can
make it function as if the iframe were hidden without actually hiding it. 
In other words, can I disable the iframe functionality, but still keep it
visible so the the miniwindow will move smoothly.

Second, I want to be able to put a <div> in the area that you have set aside
for your menu, but the instructions that <div>'s are not allowed.  Any
recommendations?  Could I maybe use a <span> instead?

Thanks for your help,

John Zehnder
ToJohn Zehnder
SubjectRe: Trouble using miniwindow over top of Iframe
Date4 November 2006 19:37

> The window moves
> smoothly when it is moving around next to the Iframe, but when I move
> the window over the Iframe the moveable window stutters and sometimes
> hangs up.

You have not said which browsers have this problem, but in any case, there
is nothing I can do about it. This is down to the inefficiencies of that
browser, and I am afraid my script already does everything it can to avoid
these sort of problems. I cannot make it any faster.

> Second, I want to be able to put a <div> in the area that you have
> set aside for your menu, but the instructions that <div>'s are not
> allowed.  Any recommendations?  Could I maybe use a <span> instead?

You can put just about anything in there except a DIV. A UL, perhaps, or a
paragraph, a form, or even just a span. Whatever suits your needs. Just not
a DIV.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromJohn Zehnder
SubjectRe: Trouble using miniwindow over top of Iframe
Date4 November 2006 22:01
Thank you very much for the info.  I am sorry if I implied that there was
something that could be fixed with your script.  I was just trying to find
out if there was a way to disable the Iframe (maybe turn off events for the
iframe) while I moved the miniwindow and then reactivate the iframe
onmouseup.  The problem is that I want the iframe to stay visible while I
move the  miniwindow.  Do you think that putting a hidden <div> on top of
the iframe could block the iframe like the problem one of your emailer's had
with a hidden <div> with a table with a caption in it that was blocking the
underlying links.  Or do you have any other ideas?  Btw, the problem
occurred on both ie 6 and on firefox.

John Zehnder
ToJohn Zehnder
SubjectRe: Trouble using miniwindow over top of Iframe
Date5 November 2006 08:29

> I was just
> trying to find out if there was a way to disable the Iframe (maybe
> turn off events for the iframe) while I moved the miniwindow and then
> reactivate the iframe onmouseup.

My script does not offer a way to detect when the mouse is pressed or
released, so it would need modification to allow that. It's not impossible,
of course.

> Do you think
> that putting a hidden <div> on top of the iframe could block the
> iframe

No. IE and Opera both allow some mouse events to pass through an invisible
div. You can use opacity:0.99, but opacity itself makes most browsers

But in any case, you already have something over the top of the iframe: the
mini window. That is not preventing the problem.

Perhaps you need to look into what the iframe is doing that makes things
slower. It might just be that it has some wasteful script. However, it is
much more likely that the browsers' implementation of iframes is just
inefficient (since all major browsers use their own clipped object instead
of native controls, because native controls have shine-through problems).

> Btw, the problem occurred on
> both ie 6 and on firefox.

But not Opera? Hmmm, that confuses matters.
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