Jonathan Hobbs


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FromJonathan Hobbs
SubjectUsing RSS parsing script without the form - have checked email archive
Date20 October 2006 20:09
Hi Tarquin

Sorry to bother you but I've read through your exchanged with Mark Keys and
George Fisher and still can't work it out.  I know nothing about Javascript
so I had trouble understanding your advice to simply call the function
manually.  I have tried putting the importXML function within script tags in
the head, body and html areas of the page but it does not work.  I have also
tried the script you gave to Mark Keys for the scrolling parser.

I am trying to use the normal parser and would really appreciate it if you'd
give me a really basic step-by-step guide to calling the function so the
feed will be parsed an displayed when the page is loaded and does not
refresh.  Basically all I want you do do is give the complete code I need to
paste into the html document and tell me where to put it.

Many thanks

Jonathan Hobbs
ToJonathan Hobbs
SubjectRe: Using RSS parsing script without the form - have checked email archive
Date21 October 2006 12:02

> I know nothing about Javascript

I suggest you learn about it before trying to use it. You can use my
tutorial to learn:

Attempting to use it before you understand it will end up with you
inadvertently breaking things in various browsers, without understanding how
to fix them.

> I am trying to use the normal parser and would really appreciate it if
> you'd give me a really basic step-by-step guide to calling the function

Just replace the form with this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var URL = 'http:\/\/\/feed.xml';
window.onload = function () {

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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