Josh Moont


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FromJosh Moont
Subjectpermission to use the xmltree code for a chrome extension
Date23 July 2009 00:15
Hi Mark,

I've created a chrome extension using a slightly modified version of
your xmltree code.
I've left your copyright intact but I have only just read your website
and wanted to check
with you that you were happy for me to distribute this.

I was hoping to setup a [brand] page for it and would like your
permission to do this.

You can view the extension I created at

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

ToJosh Moont
SubjectRe: permission to use the xmltree code for a chrome extension
Date27 July 2009 18:13

> wanted to check
> with you that you were happy for me to distribute this.

Basically; no. What you have done is make a User JavaScript extension for
Chrome, with my script bundled in it as a User JavaScript (not as part of a
proper software package where it serves some other purpose). My User
JavaScripts are primarily for Opera only. While individual users may be able
to make a script run in their non-opera browser, these versions may not be
redistributed. I certainly do not want them to become a Google Code project.
You would need to create your own independent script for that purpose.

Aside from that, while I appreciate you asking for license clarifications
instead of simply redistributing my content, my contact page asked you very
nicely not to contact me for a few weeks, as I was not available. Please
respect that next time, and wait until I become available again before
contacting me.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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