S. Dhakshinamurthy


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Email conversation

FromS. Dhakshinamurthy
Subjectregarding dhtmlapi script for dragging table cell
Date13 October 2008 13:26
Hi Wilton-Jones,

                               First of all i like to thank you for your
dhtmlapi script, i found this script in one your email discussions available
at  http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/emails/PierreSyraud.html .

This script is very useful for moving the table columns just by dragging it
with the mouse, we like to use your dhtmlapi.js script in one of our newly
developing online service called [brand] ([URL]), it seems that we have to
specify a note in anyone of our website pages which is according to your
terms and conditons for using this script. so i want to know whether it is
enough to provide the note in our website blogs alone or in any other pages
of our website.

kindly reply to this email.

ToS. Dhakshinamurthy
SubjectRe: regarding dhtmlapi script for dragging table cell
Date19 October 2008 15:25
> it seems that we have to specify a note in anyone of
> our website pages which is according to your terms and conditons for
> using this script. so i want to know whether it is enough to provide
> the note in our website blogs alone or in any other pages of our
> website.

It must be on a long lasting page of your site, not a disposable or archived
page like a blog. It should be included on a site policy page, or a similar
appropriate page that the user can easily find. An "about this site" page is
best, but a "terms of use" page would also be appropriate, if it gives other
information about what the customers are charged for, or what they are
allowed to do with site content.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
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