Web development sites
- In the index page, all the main links are done as image maps even though they are text. No alternatives. This already makes the page inaccessible, but if you cannot use image maps, you cannot use the page.
- The shopping section is very poorly laid out, and cluttered, making it hard to read.
- In the shopping section, there are far too many links, without any proper sections. They are attempting to set themselves up as an e-commerce solutions business. Do they really think that sites that look like this will entice customers. Would you want them to design your site? One of the links on the page is called 'Worms, wormeries and wormerys from bull electrical'. See how long it takes you to find it without using your browser's search function (if it has one, that is).
Name Withheld
- There is no alt text behind any images. This is very annoying if you text browse. Every link on the page is an image. There is no way of knowing what you are doing. Fortunately, I had the job of testing that site and so it no longer suffers from that problem as I recommended it be changed to use alt text.
- If you have images switched off, you can hardly see the links down the left hand side. They all but disappear into the background with default link colours.
- I might be wrong, but I think they are a web development company. You prove me wrong.
Last modified: 4 September 2008